Sunekos Injectables containing hyaluronic acid & amino acids to stimulate the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM). Health and medical.
Weekly TCA peel , collagen boost. Skin rejuvenation bamber bridge
Amino acid daily supplement. Skin rejuvenation Bamber bridge
So, what is it?
This is the new paradigm of Anti-aging. Do you suffer with volume loss to the face, skin laxity, feel older than you are? This isn't a cross linked filler, it is a thin liquid packed with low molecular weight molecules containing hyaluronic acid and amino acids to stimulate your skin to regenerate. Sunekos targets the extracellular matrix within the skin, creating stimulation of collagen and elastin with amazing clinically trialled and tested results. Skin will look more hydrated, tighter and rejuvenated following a course of treatment. For the older person with significant volume loss/wrinkles, we have a higher molecular weight Sunekos 1200 which is added to the 200 to really kick start the regeneration process. A health and medical consultation is required.
What areas can you treat?
Chin, jowls, nasolabial folds, volume loss from the cheeks/midface, forehead & décolletage (chest area) and neck. 4 treatments 7-10 days apart. Treatment is guided by your main area of concern following a full consultation.
What to expect at the treatment sessions?
At each session you will have 2.8ml of pure hyaluronic acid & amino acids injected into strategic areas to combat the areas of concern using fine needles to aid your comfort using an aseptic technique. Topical analgesia can be applied however this isn't a particularly painful procedure due to the fine needles used. Appointment time is approximately an hour which will allow a safe and timely approach to ensure you feel as relaxed as you can. Before pictures are taken and throughout the treatment with a copy given to you at the end of treatment for your own records.
What about Aftercare & what to expect afterwards?
Aftercare is provided as standard with access to us 7 days a week via telephone/face to face (whichever is appropriate at the time). After the sessions, you may experience bruising and potentially some minor tenderness which will resolve. Why bruising? With any needle procedure, there is a risk of bruising due to the vast vascular network in our faces. Initially after the eye procedures, you will notice raised blebs which settle after an hour.
After the procedure, try not to touch your face where it has been treated to prevent contaminating the area due to the needle points where we have broken the skin to inject. We advise to not apply make up following the treatment for that day.
Results including maintenance
Results will be more apparent within the first 10 days following the 1st session, continuing to improve throughout the duration of the course. It is recommended to repeat the treatment yearly or depending on your outcomes, may only require 1-2 sessions yearly.
Chin, jowls, mid face volume loss/cheeks, forehead, décolletage, neck - £550 (4 treatment sessions, photographs & aftercare)
Severe wrinkles/volume loss - £650 (4 treatment sessions with the 1st session intensified with a 1200 & 200 sunekos (5.6ml) , photographs & aftercare)
Contact us for a free consultation.
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